Demon King Daimao Wiki
Demon King Daimao Wiki

DeathHunter71 DeathHunter71 13 February 2021

Is anyone still here

I'm thinking of adopting this wiki to change it and once im satisfied with the changes I will leave it to rest. One of my fav old anime and whoever created the wiki really made it look bad. Is anyone still here and can help?

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Zeref Fullbuster Zeref Fullbuster 23 February 2017


Can anybody get and upload pictures of Constant Magical Academy?

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Kagatsuchi519 Kagatsuchi519 30 June 2012

Noob Status!

I know that since i'm really new at the wikia thing, nobody even think i know what i'm doing. ( which i really don't. ) But what i don't really understand is that if this wiki is new or not. I was the third person to actually make a profile here, and i rank number two ( well, the badging say so on the wiki. So if someone could give me a tour to the wiki, show me some important things, or just hang, that'd be kinda cool :D

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Kagatsuchi519 Kagatsuchi519 30 June 2012

My Requirements!

Well, since I'm starting my own official anime club and all, i might as well write down come sort of checklist or just a normal note so that i won't forget what i need to do. If you really knew me, i don't really remember to do anything, i so try and try to do all of this. Well, here i go!

  • Requirements
  • I'll need to come with a name of course, i can't be known and unknown at the same time. Coming up with names isn't really my specialty but i'm willing to do whatever it takes to get to the top of the mountain.
  • I must find some very good staff members, and co-head of the club. Vice presidents are MOST LIKELY to be smarter than the head person, and they have more open suggestions towards you. Very smart people are hard to find...
  • I have to come up…
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ErzaTitaniaScarlet ErzaTitaniaScarlet 12 August 2011

Background Theme ideas

I need help designing the background themes. Can you all help me decide the colors. Thank you.





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